One day, as I was weeping as a willow watching a video where some volunteers saved a wolf, I thought “well… I’ve never been this sensitive!” And I realized that I’ve never been many things like I am now… I’ve…
Monday Musings: a small tribute
Let’s say I have something to learn (or just to remember) from eagles 😉 Related posts:Being HappyThink pinkMythologically: so close!Spirituality for AtheistsMonday Musing
I like to be inspired and I have to keep kicking my own buttcheeks to keep doing/going/working. So, while I was stumbling things up, I found some pretty things I’d like to share! Ira Glass on Storytelling from David Shiyang…
Goddesses in everywoman
My friends all told me to read this book, so I did. What to say… I LOVED it! The down part is that it’s written by a human being… well, by a feminist junghian analyst in the seventies… which is…
The biggest present
This past Valentine’s day (a “holyday” I don’t believe in, but as you now know I take any excuse to celebrate!) I gave myself a huge present. Such a demonstration of self love and respect I never thought I could…