img Even my 8yrs old cousin knows it (when she was five she would show you a toy and add “And it’s also got all the accessooooriiiiies”): that’s it, accessories are something more, like coloured monpareils on the cake: they…
Matchings, fabrics and layers
img Let’s start with fabrics: I’m fond of natural fabrics and fibers, because of the touch, because of how they look (is it just me or the shiny syntetic fabric remind of supermarket halloween costumes?) and because of transpiration. Oi!…
Theory of colour – chromarmony
img Colour theory is now really widespread, (and I’ve made up the word chromarmony, or armochromy to copy the italian one… laaaame!) but for those who have no idea: concearning your looks, colour theory is there to create harmony between…
Shapes and Optical Illusions
img I won’t lecture you with history of clothing, otherwise I’ll have to start from 17th century where robes were actually indicative of people’s statuses (monks most of all), but finally common people were able to afford used and coloured…
Meet the host
img Guilty were the lappish slippers.You don’t know, but this is how I thought to begin my blog with, almost a year ago… talking about boot-like slippers my brother gave me for Christmas. Ugly, terrible, but oh-so-warm. A thing that,…