What a wonder-filled week *_* ° tidy up the Nook o a shine, and managing to keep it quite tidy for some days XD ° recover my runaway Clo, see her recovering in one day from the trauma (I think…
Musa’s Box
This week list of nice ° a girls night out ° see some chocolat éclair in a tv show, browsing for the recipe, ending up in front of a “Brioch Dorée” that had just two left, eat them on the…
Musa’s Box
New list! A virtual box where I keep all the little treasures that life gifts me with every day ° my brand new red skirt *_* ° our Nook, all scrubbed clean, smelling good, with open windows, roses on the…
Musa’s Box
Friday’s list, this week I’m grateful for: ° a sunny weekend, an evening walk, my balcony sprouting greens, this spring is having a hard time but it’s coming ° step to the fifth c25k week of training… this “week” will…
After-Easter Musa’s Box
Friday! Equals list of nice things happened in the past week, things that made me smile, things I’m grateful for and give thanx to the Great Stellar Universal Smurf. ° “Iris” by Goo Goo Dolls… and realizing that, after 15years…