img Thankful list, once again, and it’s a pretty long one today! So, enjoy, and tell me yours! ° Mythological creatures° writing this list° noticing stuff to write in this list during the week° keeping notes so I don’t forget…
Musa’s Box
img ° seeing my brother after a long time° realizing that growing up isn’t that bad° quiet little evenings with tv series° cuddles against stomach ache° writing my thesis° buying supplies for my future projects° sewing some projects° ikea: a…
Musa’s Box
img Hei, guess what, it’s thursday again, let’s list some loveliness! ° Soap Bubbles!° Ladies chats° Live music° good beer° taking pictures° editing pictures° Criminal Minds° Lie to Me° some more (crappy though, this time) live music° pub marks on…
Musa’s Box
img ° ladies night out° hamburgers, also the veggie ones° nightingales° sun shimmering through my curtains° Shutter Island° Cheesy puffs° watching “Criminal Minds” cuddled up on Couch° chatting (live, not online :P)° notice positive changings in people° Tim Burton’s Alice°…
Musa’s Box
It’s thursday again! Let’s go with the list! img ° this picture, I want something like this in my own house (when I’ll have one!)° this week of freedom° live music° my friend’s band° pizza pizza pizza° baking macarons*° exercises…