Thursday again, time for a new list of nice!
° making lists…
° … and erasing stuff from them
° book a Spa day for two (yay for christmas presents)
° minty milk nails
° vegetarian cous cous with nuts (it’s yummy the day after too)
° new ebooks for my Nook *_*
° temptations!!!
° my new working place in our lab, very organized
° eat a real Krabby Patty
° the first meeting for my tribal sewing course
° take a walk to run some errands
° I’ve started “A song of ice and fire” (thanx Dani, thanx Ile!)
° Mr Faun who’s taken a few days off just to be with me *_*
° thinking about a trip to Paris, really low cost trip!
° Dark Shadows: I wasn’t expecting nothing from this movie, but after seing the trailer I can’t wait for it to be in theaters!
° karma (even though it may be double edged… but this time I really enjoyed it!)
° the kind people at RetroLab
° hearing from a friend far away, after too much time of not hearing from… and finding out she might be around more than I hoped for… and that maybe we can get together before I thought *_* (Satura, we’re totally doing it this time!)
° hearing from Spleen and talk in our silly way
° beautiful news from another friend… and plans for august!
° draft print of a CD
° thoughts and reflections from “mercury retrograde” XD
° the next Disney-Pixar movie *_* The Brave (red hair? medieval costumes? stone circles? a kickass archer SHE character? YES please!)
° Mr Faun
Se non mi fossi trovata su questa lista mi sarei molto offesa. Ma visto che ci sono, mi gongolo e vado avanti con i preparativi. *_*
Eheheh ovvio che ci sei!
Gongola e continua, mi raccomando U_U
Vicinissime Crispina del mio cuor e presto presto ci riabbracceremo, ne sono certa anche io
Saturilla mia <3