List of nice from the past week, if you’re new to this click here.
° Go to the movies and eat popcor
° home made tabulé (even though it was endless)
° mosquito nets for the windows *_* it may sound silly, but where I live it can change your life, for better!
° sunday evening pizza
° the new frame for the old looking map of the world, “wannabe steampunk” livingroom, here we come!
° empty and reset my iPod, I’ll finally stop skipping half the tracks
° do a lot of stuff in a short time
° start to learn to receive
° a sale-trip to Milan with my aunt and my little cousin
° pasta with tuna sauce
° Mr Faun who is always there for me
° willing to do stuff
° “hot to”s to make “galaxy” leggings and tshirt
° remember some dreams
° mythological creatures