It’s thursday again, yay! Weekend’s coming so let’s bathe in what made us happy these past days
° a chat with a friend, to unload some heavy thoughts
° the feeling of doing something effective for yourself, to take your life into your hands (if you want to say it big), knowing you’re sending a clear message to the universe (if you want to say it philosophically :D)
° nice, polite people
° a nice day in the city
° lunch with my aunt
° polite and smiling people, it takes so little!
° sewing sewing sewing
° my brand new striped bag
° my wonderful steampunk costume, with “poet/piratess/peasant” shirt, handmade goggles on Sa’s cowboy hat, metallic makeup, and most of all my uber cool waist cincher
° home made swap party with a lot of beautiful women and endless bags!
° Sa, standing by my side for no matter what
° ice cream, martini and additional talks ’till one o clock in the morning
° writing some post and some post series ideas beforehand
° chances that make you jump in excitement
° having many things to do
° chinese food and dragon cake (note: dragon cake is an industrial dessert, pre made, very likely by an italian brand, it’s basically spongecake and cold strawberry cream, all pink. I love it since I was 10, how can it be any different? A pink strawberry cake and a 10 years girl… :D)
° a new part time job with a serious contract! Where I get to be all pretty all day, with nice people and I also get free makeup! Yay!
° unbelievably I’ve found useful and updated infos for Pavia’s public transport online!
° finding out, in a single day, four nice things about myself: 1-I’m still able to talk a lot, random, in front of an “audience” (from one to more people I’ve just met) with real enthusiasm, 2-I’ve managed to follow an “intermediate bellydance” class even though I’ve never took constant and continuative lessons (except for some dvds and a couple of workshops), 3-the stuff I sew holds on really well, 4-I have an innate sense of timing and rythm
° finger cymbals
° beautiful opportunities for Sa too
° packages coming in by mail with beautiful and extra samples!
° tidying up and organizing my shoes, all of them!
° Perugina’s chocolat mousse, sooooo good!
° Downton Abbey, second season (we’re catching up!)
° my brand new round ring with fuchsia liquid
° my mom, always being a mom
° being optimistic, even though sometimes I need a minute or to “sleep on it” to be able to see the bright side
° Clothilde’s first sunnyspots
° le creature mitologiche
Grzie per la cirazione, signorina Euforilla
Devo farl anche io, eppure mi sembra di dire sempre le stesse cose, anche se sono importanti!
Ma prego ApeRegina Non vedo l’ora di leggere la tua 😀
Ooohw, sono nella tua scatola! <3
1) voglio anch'io la torta del drago O.O' perché non l'ho mai vista/mangiata?!!
2) hai messo in ordine tutte le scarpe?! beh.. se la tua situazione scarpe assomiglia alla mia, complimentoni! XD
Io la trovo solo nei ristoranti cinesi, e non in tutti! Infatti se mi capita di vederla la DEVO prendere, non importa se sono piena da scoppiare di ravioli al vapore e compagnia bella!
(Fra l’altro ho cannato il nome del tuo blog, ora correggo!)
Tutte le scarpe, sì, è stata una bella sfida… e ho anche un bel sacchettone di scarpe da donare alle associazioni che raccolgono abiti usati!