This week I took notes, I needed it! Here’s abundance of things I adored this week, plus plenty of links…
Are you still keeping yours? They’re good for your health, I grant that!
° Google’s doodle, the one you could cruise for Jules Verne’s Birthday, there were narwals too! Hip hip hurray to steampunk’s dad!
° feeling spring in the air
° saying things out loud, you feel light afterwards
° my green plants
° colour coded notes (I’m becoming some sort of organization and list freak, how did I do ’till now? I know, I didn’t do, I was a mess XD)
° planning things and keeping up with the plan
° keep the windows open and feel the sun on my neck (and synthetizing vitamin B :P)
° search through old papers and finding stuff I thought lost
° start a job with “The Ecstasy of Gold” by Morricone (epic!!!)
° Google’s doodle for Thomas Edison, I reeeeaaally like this steampunkish vibe!
° kebap
° the first butterfly *_*
° chirping birds
° Bierahaus’ french frites, the big table, the fire near us
° sunday’s manifestation: square filled with all kind of people, funny banners and international success. Look here, here and here
° a working monday with an intelligent timetable
° exercising and eating more fruits and vegetable
° giveaway (which is still running, yay! a couple of weeks more!) and all the ladies that helped me: Joanne, Amanda, Siobhan, Stella, Netta, Mishka, Sarah, Valentina
° celebrating Lupercalia, mythological feast with fauns, with the one and only Mr. Faun, and thoughts of summer in Calabria
° peeling off Windows Vista sticker, to stick on the Ubuntu one. *_* Wonderful Ubuntu
° Tori Amos: I confess I’d never listened to her properly, just a very good song here and there. Beautiful voice, great artist and so on… but listening to entire albums makes me realize that I’ve lost an epoch
° my job, I actually like it, I think I’m quite good at it, I learn a lot, and I still earn something
° an entire crossroad hitting hard on brakes not to run over a scared kitty
° raindrops falling absolutly random and drawing on puddles
° an evening in a drama lab, veeeeery interesting *_*
° the umbrella with blue sky and white creamy little clouds on the inside
° chocolate, sugars and high pitched glicemy
° sleep
° feeling spring in the air
° saying things out loud, you feel light afterwards
° my green plants
° colour coded notes (I’m becoming some sort of organization and list freak, how did I do ’till now? I know, I didn’t do, I was a mess XD)
° planning things and keeping up with the plan
° keep the windows open and feel the sun on my neck (and synthetizing vitamin B :P)
° search through old papers and finding stuff I thought lost
° start a job with “The Ecstasy of Gold” by Morricone (epic!!!)
° Google’s doodle for Thomas Edison, I reeeeaaally like this steampunkish vibe!
° kebap
° the first butterfly *_*
° chirping birds
° Bierahaus’ french frites, the big table, the fire near us
° sunday’s manifestation: square filled with all kind of people, funny banners and international success. Look here, here and here
° a working monday with an intelligent timetable
° exercising and eating more fruits and vegetable
° giveaway (which is still running, yay! a couple of weeks more!) and all the ladies that helped me: Joanne, Amanda, Siobhan, Stella, Netta, Mishka, Sarah, Valentina
° celebrating Lupercalia, mythological feast with fauns, with the one and only Mr. Faun, and thoughts of summer in Calabria
° peeling off Windows Vista sticker, to stick on the Ubuntu one. *_* Wonderful Ubuntu
° Tori Amos: I confess I’d never listened to her properly, just a very good song here and there. Beautiful voice, great artist and so on… but listening to entire albums makes me realize that I’ve lost an epoch
° my job, I actually like it, I think I’m quite good at it, I learn a lot, and I still earn something
° an entire crossroad hitting hard on brakes not to run over a scared kitty
° raindrops falling absolutly random and drawing on puddles
° an evening in a drama lab, veeeeery interesting *_*
° the umbrella with blue sky and white creamy little clouds on the inside
° chocolate, sugars and high pitched glicemy
° sleep
Eek! I'm so sorry for missing the deadline on your giveaway lovely (I haven't had an internet connection all week!), but I've sent you an e-mail and hopefully there's something else that I can help you out with!
Glad to see your internet connection is back on and kicking!
Thanx for the email, I've written back, and you're still in time for the giveaway! Yay! How awesome is that? 😛