New year’s resolutions

I know, usually people think that new year’s resolutions are for loosers, because anyway no one ends up fulfilling them, but I like to have them! (I like new beginnings, as you know) and after all, being a little obsessive-compulsive, I like to write list and plan things.
Even if they end up in nothing.

Plus, thanks to this LitReactor post (which, shortly, gives the advice to choose very specific resolutions, with clear action details, and to make resolutions month by month and not year by year, so that your resolutions seem less daunting and you can check your improvement quickly) I feel I can do it!

I don’t know if I will post monthly resolutions, who knows, but here are january ones.

1) Write.
– Write at least 10 minutes every day, through Figment or on my own
– use all those links I’ve found really throughly, one by one, with no rush, but do it (so that maybe, during the year, I’ll feel ready to commit to an actual creative writing course, live or online it depends on what I can find/afford)
– keep up reading a lot and taking notes on my creative writing copybook (this is a new entry)

1b) Read.
– it’s still somehow part of the writing point, and I’ve jotted down a very good listo of “classic” novels I want to read… I’ll read my whole life, but I think I can make it reading one a month. I know this resolution is quite vague.

2) Blog
– keep up blogging regularly, I’ve already made a list of posts I want to upload and I’ve started writing some
– increase my “social commitment” looking for new blogs to follow, giving out more comments, organizing giveaways (these during the year, not just in january)

3) Carnival Oubli
– upload other stuff I’ve made on my Portfolio
– make new things, one per day would be wonderful, but I think that at least three per week is ok!
– promote it :)

4) Yoga
– and/or physical activity in general, at the very least twice a week, ideally it should be three

5) Detoxify
– I’m already on it, and it’s going to last some more 20 days, I’ve already done it in the past, I know I can do it again :)

I think that I’ve got january covered!
Do you make new year’s resolutions? Do you stick by them? How do you feel about breaking them down to bullet points, instead of having lists full of big and uncertain principles?

Another good idea is by Sarah on Yes and Yes: visual resolutions! Print them, paint them, make vision boards, pinboards, whatever, as long as you can LOOK at them regularly!
(At this point I should add “Make a new kickass and huge vision board in my home office)

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5 thoughts on “New year’s resolutions

  1. Dott. B.

    Scrivere 10min al giorno è un’ottima idea. Come manuale di scrittura creativa procurati “On Writing” di Stephen King, ci sono trucchetti molto utili 😉

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