Sometimes I realize that not everyone knows what this weekly list I write is: it’s a wonderful way to cheer you up, to train yourselves to think positive and to realize how lucky you really are.
Think about this past week and make a list, it can go from your favourite cereals for breakfast to falling in love, from being still alive to receiving the best news in your life (and these two may be the same thing sometimes… ok, it’s late, and when it’s late I talk funny).
So here we are, you can try this if you want, leave your list in the comments, or at least a link 😉
° I like it’s thursday, because it means tomorrow’s friday (and I go out)
° Mr. Faun’s wonderful thursday lists
° Starting to have some routine
° Meet up projects for lunch and dinner… and they all involve pizza and chats
° Cooking, simple but tasty things!
° Handmade bread
° Pizza with friends
° New ideas for the blog
° acknowledging some things about myself
° pendant with vulcanic olivine from Fuerteventura
° Triskell necklace… sometimes I feel like I’m back in the future, but not in a positive way, like I’m back at the starting point… but small things can change my perspectives
° Booking the flight for my holidays with Mr. Faun <3
° Japanese restaurant
° Tribal dance workshop *_*
° Beer fest in a square, with mini-groupies literally rolling on the ground and monitors that burst
° Eating when I’m hungry
° Rachel’s and Jillina’s DVDs, I’m inspired *_*
° Mythological creatures, their minds most of all