Friday’s list is here, just like The Cure said “Friday I’m in love”
° grocery shopping at the biodynamic farm
° smoked fig&rose tea in a blue cup, in a blue kitchen
° the term “dream-naut”
° a full day spent in my pijama, sweater, shawl, thick socks and fluffy slippers, with my cat, a cup of hot tea and stuff to read
° slowly decluttering some areas at home, it feels good
° new stuff for the home, thanx mom, thanx aunt (and thanx store on clearance :P)
° kicking asses at grocery shopping
° always having an excuse to bake something in the oven… so I can warm up a little
° I know I keep repeating this, but being payed to write articles it’s always so good, even though it’s not real journalism, even though the pay is almost funny, but I like it, I am able to say that I honestly earn my living with my writing ^^ (my great grandmother would say this is sin of pride, well, yes, anyway)
° picking a bottle of wine for an all-girls-night-out (this time I also have a proper corkscrew, we won’t need to invoke the “half-mighty-Bacchus” to open it!)
° the t-shirt from Qwerty with the Tim Burton Style Minions on… it also came with a tiny package of Haribo candies, thanx a lot Halloween month!!!
° thinking about dressing up as Frida Khalo for Halloween
° keeping a dream journal, I was remembering only nightmares lately, not cool…
° a quiet saturday morning cleaning up the house
° lighting the fireplace for the first time this autumn *_* enjoying the fire with a cup of tea, a book and the cat
° hot milk with cocoa
° writing emails with compliments
° going out for dinner, walking, it was chilly outside but we were properly padded. The city almost deserted. The Theresianer (red beer) also said “Well done Theresa!”
° Sleepy Hollow, a new tv serie to watch, seems good
° all the teaser of American Horror Story: Coven
° the first jumper
° the Professor, that “old feminist” I talked about in a couple of Boxes, meeting her has been huge!
° seeing a tattoo artist at work
° an afternoon with Anna and Giada ^^
° my family, we might be noisy, many, and somewhat nosy but when you need them these are the best qualities
° getting pictures of my beautiful niece, in a short while I’ll be able to squeeze her round feet
° being put on trial, let’s show them how tough I am
° getting mythologically over a shitty tuesday U_U
° walking underneath the falling leaves, smelling them, seeing their colours. Well hello there autumn!
° a nice swap with friends (and with a lot of talking, home delivered food, good wine, lit fireplace and coconut sweets)
° tonight’s plans and also the plans for the weekend
° a conference on Hippogriffs, very nice, the guys were extremely prepared!
° Sa coming home earlier than I thought *_*
° mythological creatures, incredibly mythological even on the distance!
Ore 15.27, 27 c°, leggo passeggiando a torso nudo in veranda e prendo il sole. Prima o poi questa estate finirà. Forse.
Se vuoi ti ci mando
Cugino, un po’ te le cerchi però eh XD
Solo leggere quanto tè hai bevuto mi ha fatto un effetto diuretico…