Musa’s Box

What happened this past week that made you happy? Keeping records is good for your health 😉


° a super relaxing friday, with a nice cup of “relaxing tea”: an hour and a half nap ensued!!!
° saturday strolling around town, looking up at buildings, going into “new” places (that have been there for centuries, literally, but I’ve never visited before), a nice snack with sweets made with pumpkins, and nice company
° receiving long awaited emails
° Sa indulging all my hippie-ish adventures and gladly coming along ^^
° ambush Clothilde
° recicled paper, dark and textured, squared: perfect to draw charts
° Pan di Stelle cookies, how can they be so yummy???
° incense
° mushrooms and potatoes quiche, soooo tasty!
° walking through my city, in the evening, under the rain
° finally talking about stuff that I’ve been brooding over for a while
° Sa who’s always ready to show me the sunny side of things, most of all when I’m not able to do it on my own anymore
° the yellow lights in the dark and in the fog, yellow lights shining off all the things wet
° my balcony-grown herbs, they’re helpful :)
° the most absurd “job promotion” ever
° finally being able to go lucid in a dream, even thought it was for a really short span of time, I hope this is the first time of many :)
° reading a beautiful email, first thing in the morning, thank you Eleni *_*
° a super nice sunny wednesday, warm weather and bike
° my new furry shoes, an early birthday present ^^
° mythological creatures

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