Moral of the story

I don’t know if it’s just me, the flowerchild I am, or if it’s the same to everyone, but organizing a wedding, our wedding, has been a path of personal growth.

I’ve learned a couple of things, so it feels right to end this series of post with a sappy and retorical upload.

There’s plenty of ideas of “family” around and, as long as they make you happy, they’re all fine.
My idea of family has always been quite a “big” one, which doesn’t (only) mean a big number of people, but more like, a number of people always updated about anything and everyone. A number of people with things to say, or at least that feel free to speak their mind at any time.


I know that to some people this description equals a nightmare. Sometime it is. But now I’m used to it and I actually like it.

So what?
What does one learn from a wedding?

To compromise, to reconsider, to realize that (at least for us) it’s not just about two people getting married, but two families getting together, you learn to stand your ground and to let go.


After all it’s a party of two for everyone.
“Let’s have a buffet!”
“Yeah, right, what about your 80yo granny? Will you let her standing on her two feet all day long and then what? Sit on the grass?”
“What about those guests who’ll travel 1300 km, you’ll just give ’em a snack?”
And so on :)

Which, presented like this, sounds like a logical, rational and quiet exchange of opinions.
More like:


Anyway, you’ll find yourself thinking: your parents are so into it, you didn’t want to just because but in the end you couldn’t care less… So what? Make them happy and everyone will be more relaxed.
You really can’t let go of this? Just say so and you’ll see people will come up with solutions that will make everyone happy (aka charity wedding favours, I really didn’t think about it!!!).
And so on and so forth…

Basically, what matters is that in the end we were really happy with our party…

If I had to do this all over again?

I’d make a steampunk wedding, guests in style.
I’d make a Labyrinth wedding, with Sir Dydimus as the one to marry us.
I’d make an Alice in Wonderland wedding, including Mad Hatter, tea tasting and scones.
I’d make a run to Las Vegas, and a postcard to everyone.
I’d make a run to the office, without saying anything to anyone (well, maybe the groom).
I’d make a wedding in a park or in the woods.
I’d make it all over again just the same.

In the end, to me, it doesn’t really matter, I don’t believe in the “My wedding day will be the happiest of my life”, most of all because I hope it will be a crescendo, not the other way around!!!

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4 thoughts on “Moral of the story

  1. mignolocolprof

    Non sono d’accordo. Forse perché parto da presupposti diversi, non so.
    Ma la mia famiglia non è l’unione delle nostre famiglie d’origine.
    La mia famiglia siamo Luca ed io, i nostri figli, i gatti e il cane. Punto. Al limite posso aggiungere le carpe e i pesci rossi del laghetto, nonché nonno Gamberetto e gli abitanti dell’acquario.
    Nessuno, se non noi, ha il diritto/dovere di essere al corrente. E nessuno, NESSUNO se non noi, ha voce in capitolo.
    OK, ho capito, ritorno dai miei simili plantigradi 😉

    1. Euforilla Post author

      Ehehehe pensavo proprio a questa frase quando ho scritto “ci sono tanti tipi di famiglia”.
      Un pochino devo dire che t’invidio la totale indipendenza… Ma d’altra parte sono cresciuta abituata così, quindi pensare di vivere altre situazioni non solo mi sembrerebbe strano, ma anche un po’ triste (senza voler giudicare niente e nessuno eh!)… Fortuna vuole che sia cresciuto così anche Sa, almeno non ci son problemi 😛

      Dopotutto “Il mio grosso grasso matrimonio greco” un po’ rende l’idea e anche la battuta-non-battuta che abbiamo sempre fatto in famiglia dice il vero: “Chi si sposa una di noi, si sposa tutta la famiglia”…

      Ohi, uomo avvisato… 😉

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