Musa’s Box filled to the brim

November’s here, my favourite month. Simply because there’s my birthday in it. Yay for narcissism.
I took this picture this morning, while fetching some “bread of the dead” (I felt traditional, and today, here, it’s the day of the dead). October had stunning days (and has been a bit of a rollercoaster for me, hence the lack of posting), and so far so good november seems to be holding up pretty well. So here’s my little Box filled with nice october and hopes for november :)


° rediscovering my passion for philosophy
° my handwriting, it’s not calligraphy but I like it
° soups, kare raisu, vegetable creams, gulash and all these nice autumn dishes
° my little niece, making me feel an Aunt, with the capital A
° food from my inlaws: OLIVES!!! *_*
° dyeing a skirt from bright red to burgundy
° Tarot
° a birthday party with skewers and puffpastries with cream filling
° a sewing course to learn how to use my serger, yay!
° superwhite teeth after a dental hygene
° a cuddly Stinkerbell
° evenings on the couch him, me, cat, blanket, tea and tv series: peace
° reading
° fog, fallen leaves, the smell of autumn (humidity, rotting leaves, smoke, chimneys, chestnuts roasting, woods)
° Maggie Smith wielding a light saber
° coming home an hour earlier than planned… twice!
° “nomad tarot” and “paulina tarot” to be added to my “wishlist
° peel off basecoat for nails, under a sparkling glitter polish: then you peel everything off!
° an upcycled coat (I’ll make a tutorial out of this, eventually)
° a pumpkin risotto to kill for, I know I shouldn’t say so myself, but this time I can, because with pumpkin risotto 90% of the credit goes to the pumpkin (if it’s tasteless, goodbye dinner)
° some unexpected free time
° a tidy home
° two very happy mythological creatures :)

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