Over here lads and gents! We’re introducing today, here, only for you, a new feature for monday blogging!
The week usually goes like this: monday sucks because you have to go back to school or works, tuesday may be even worst, but luckily there’s Euforilla’s posts (and now she’s speaking in the third person? Oh gosh…), wednesday it’s ok ’cause you can say “Ok, we’re halfway done!”, thursday there are Musa’s Boxes and all the lists with pretty things :), friday, well, it’s friday!, saturday there are friends and everything else, sunday you nap, you pursue your passions and you eat pizza at night (no? Just me? Ok…).
That’s why I had the duty, the duty!, to give monday another chance! I don’t know how much I will be able to do so, but I want to try!
What can you find in Monday Musings? Links, photos, videos and songs to give the day the right taste, “Mythologically” posts on how two mythological creatures are doing in moving, home decoring and co-habitating, and, once a month, a “style” post with my friend Goddess Inspired.
Every month a different theme that you can see in muse version or goddess version (we ain’t going cheap here! U_U).
So… have a nice monday!!!
Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh i nostri post di stle saranno fichissimi, mamma mia! U_U Intanto appoggio il tuo progetto di migliorare le sorti del lunedì, linkandoti una cosa che senza dubbio ti farà piacere! http://manuki.blogspot.com/2011/09/monday-musas-box.html
Eddai che stiamo esportando felicemente la scatolina di carinerie settimanali! 😀
Yay!!! Scatoline everywhere! 😀
Per i post di stile ho fatto altre pensate, quando ci vediamo aggiungiamo anche questo nelle lista delle cose da chiacchierare 😉