Musa’s Box

Here goes the list!
I should definately start taking notes again 😛


° a quiet weekend to the mountain, far away from all and unplugged
° a spritz cocktail
° gnocchi ossolani with heavy cream and wholenuts, I’m sorry but these deserve their own bullet point
° bureaucracy that basically fix itself
° surprise anniversary sushi
° friday night with friends and hamburgers
° yes, there’s lots of food in this list, blame the spring but I’d eat my couch as well if it wasn’t that comfy!
° some rain, finally, it hadn’t rain in months!
° scented candles
° temperatures slightly raising, so I can wear sliglhty lighter clothes
° being an aunt, for an afternoon (ice cream helps immensely)
° a sunny saturday
° Game of Thrones
° Mythological creatures

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