° format my laptop (uuhh gives you chills uh?)
° sell old uni-books&co
° visit Satura @ Turin
° visit Icon @ Pescara
° visit Vale @ Dublin
° repete purifying diet (well it’s not a diet, it’s just me eating less junky stuff)
° write my CV
° learn gaelic
° things to sew: circle skirt out of my written fabric; circle skirt out of a hotpink chinese like fabric; convertible/infinity stuff (a tank dress with a scarf, dress with two straps, and a tubular huge scaf); hotpink & candy pink tulle pettycoat/tutu (I still don’t know what I’ll be using it for… but I love halloween so much!); a fairy skirt with a ton of scrap fabric I have left; my band’s mascotte; my hippy-summer tote bag; a brushes case roll thingy stuff (in order to keep them tidy); repair all the stuff that is piled near my sewing machine waiting for repairing
° order some supplies on etsy
° finally craft something with resins
° find a job
° move from home
° clear up my makeup bag: throw away old stuff, keep only the things I always use (and maybe make my own palette)
° organize my 25th birthday
° organize halloween party (yes, I always start quite early)
° have an holiday?
° keep up with running/anything that keeps me fit
° taking some weekend off with Faun
° bake real macarons
° bake flat cupcakes and cover them in icing
° spring clean my closet
° add a blog roll
° henna on my hair, and keep doing it regularly
° buy a pair of sandals, summer’s coming and I have none (maybe a pair of greeks?)
° sell good clothes I don’t use anymore, recycle what I can, donate the rest
° start a visual book, making a collage of thing I think will fit in my ipothetical future steampunk home
° build a shadowbox
° “Classics are those books everybody whishes to have read, but nobody wants to read” therefore, pick up my old anthology and read old classics
° listen to that list of bands and musicians I’d like to listen to
° watch cinema classics
° to sum up: re-build my culture
° go back playing the piano
° why not? write a book
° ending my mom’s picture
° collect prints from my favourite illustrators
° make a real musa’s box
° try to be more minimalist: learn to be more organized, learn that I can be more organized; deep spring cleaning (get rid of stuff that I don’t even know is there) and maybe keep lists shorter
° sell old uni-books&co
° visit Satura @ Turin
° visit Icon @ Pescara
° visit Vale @ Dublin
° repete purifying diet (well it’s not a diet, it’s just me eating less junky stuff)
° write my CV
° learn gaelic
° things to sew: circle skirt out of my written fabric; circle skirt out of a hotpink chinese like fabric; convertible/infinity stuff (a tank dress with a scarf, dress with two straps, and a tubular huge scaf); hotpink & candy pink tulle pettycoat/tutu (I still don’t know what I’ll be using it for… but I love halloween so much!); a fairy skirt with a ton of scrap fabric I have left; my band’s mascotte; my hippy-summer tote bag; a brushes case roll thingy stuff (in order to keep them tidy); repair all the stuff that is piled near my sewing machine waiting for repairing
° order some supplies on etsy
° finally craft something with resins
° find a job
° move from home
° clear up my makeup bag: throw away old stuff, keep only the things I always use (and maybe make my own palette)
° organize my 25th birthday
° organize halloween party (yes, I always start quite early)
° have an holiday?
° keep up with running/anything that keeps me fit
° taking some weekend off with Faun
° bake real macarons
° bake flat cupcakes and cover them in icing
° spring clean my closet
° add a blog roll
° henna on my hair, and keep doing it regularly
° buy a pair of sandals, summer’s coming and I have none (maybe a pair of greeks?)
° sell good clothes I don’t use anymore, recycle what I can, donate the rest
° start a visual book, making a collage of thing I think will fit in my ipothetical future steampunk home
° build a shadowbox
° “Classics are those books everybody whishes to have read, but nobody wants to read” therefore, pick up my old anthology and read old classics
° listen to that list of bands and musicians I’d like to listen to
° watch cinema classics
° to sum up: re-build my culture
° go back playing the piano
° why not? write a book
° ending my mom’s picture
° collect prints from my favourite illustrators
° make a real musa’s box
° try to be more minimalist: learn to be more organized, learn that I can be more organized; deep spring cleaning (get rid of stuff that I don’t even know is there) and maybe keep lists shorter
Ti invidio questo tuo tempo libero, o meglio, "periodo di decompressione". Io non l'ho avuto e ne sento tanto la mancanza… GODITELO!
Allora allora allora…sono euforica al solo pensiero di scrivere quello che VOGLIO fare nella mia terra, dove torno dopo aver vissuto un anno e mezzo in Francia…
1. scuola di equitazione
2. tanti fine settimana immersa nella natura con i miei "nuovi" amici
3. conoscere tanta gente, e tra quelle che conoscerò, scoprire amici veri
4. cinema, cinema, cinema
5. cucinare cuscus di tutti i tipi
6. lezione di francese
7. riprendere a studiare musica: la chitarra
8. lavorare e guadagnare con il MIO lavoro
9. scrivere la tesi
10. andare al mare dalle ore 18h30 alle 20h30
11. disegnare vestitini e farli cucire da mamma
12. sistemare la piccola cucina che i miei utilizzano come ripostiglio e trasformarlo nel mio nido
13. leggere, leggere, leggere
14. visitare mostre
15. seguire un corso di scrittura
16. vivere, vivere, vivere
Non pensavo di voler fare tutte queste cose…ma manca ancora qualcosa…le aggiungerò!!!!
Grazie euforilla…
@Vale: certo che me lo godrò!
@Icon: grazie per la tua lista, è bellissima ^_^
Ti aspetto Cricchina Miaaaa *_____*
E nell'attesa ho già trovato una serie di posticini bellittimi in cui portarti:
Liù: sala da the in stile provenzale e anni '20 [addirittura le tazze floreali sbeccate e il the al caramello + dolcetti farciti *____*]
I portici di Via Po e le librerie esoteriche notturne: a caccia di vecchiiiissime edizioni di vecchiiiissimi libri [manuali da giovani streghe e non solo!] 😀
Soup and Go: zuppetta dal mondo da gustare in un silenzioso giardinetto zen nel cuore del caos cittadino… puro relax!!!
E la lista continua!!! Allora??? Quando vieni??? *______*
AbbracciAbbracciAbbracci Criiis e … forzaaaa, 'che la fine è lì lì 😀
Quanti posti bellissimi! Devo venir lì il prima possibile!