° Mad Hatter’s Day which is today here in Italy! here it’s history. What are you going to do? At least wear a hat?
° texts
° organizing my countless new interests to be able to face them a bit at a time
° free pfd and ebooks
° chill wind when it’s too hot outside
° lemon sorbet
° nightingales chirping at 5 o’ clock
° drink plenty of water
° going to the movies
° having a similar mind-state
° aged Earth globes and planispheres
° film posters
° air conditioned
° Ikea and it’s brilliant solutions (also fair wood and rattan furniture)
° seeing the lights of a luna park from far away
° laughing
° chill out
° people thinking I’m a natural redhead *_*
° pure poison
° follow a (totally) different singing lesson, there’s always something to learn
° chit-chat
° re-igniting my band
° sing
° mythological creatures
Musa’s Box
- Shop Your Closet
- Quarter life crisis
Enjoy Mad Hatter's day! 😀
è verissimo: tutti i migliori sono matti *_*
…adoro quel momento del film ^_^
ci sono un sacco di belle frasi effettivamente
I hope you enjoyed it too!
Forse lo conosci già, ma ripescandolo tra i preferiti non ho potuto non pensarti ^^
Attendo tue nuove [la data, la data, la dataaaa :D]
Sì lo conosco già gibbous, pianifico da un bel po' di farmi una gonnella come la loro "da fatina"… per il resto credo abbiano dei prezzi decisamente troppo assurdi!