I don’t know if it’s just me, the flowerchild I am, or if it’s the same to everyone, but organizing a wedding, our wedding, has been a path of personal growth. I’ve learned a couple of things, so it feels…
Elfic Headpiece – How To
Pinky swear, this is the second to last post about my wedding (so that I can bore you to death with our honeymoon in Japan :P) and it felt right to stop teasing you with the tutorial on the thing-a-majig…
Wedding Favors
Well yes, despite my hatred for wedding favors, I was left powerless against my mother and my motheri-in-law, they wanted to offer something to our guests. Yet we managed to find a compromise that made everyone happy: charity wedding favors.…
DIY wedding
We had a wedding with very little DIY. I would have done EVERYTHING myself… but at some point, when your event is sponsored, well, you have to give the sponsors something back 😛 Here’s what we made (almost) ourselves (well……
Bachelorette party
If you’re thinking plenty of alcohol, tshirt with something along the lines of “last single night out”, seedy bars with bulky guys shiny with self tanners, cakes and silly things shaped like phalluses… You’re on the wrong blog. If it…